Having survived Canary Wharf, Ianto Jones is sent to Cardiff to take control of Torchwood 3 and to manage the small team of 4… plus the immortal Jack Harkness.
Story begins here:
Appearing Characters
- Faith (the Tarot Card Girl)
- Various OCs
Mentioned Characters
- Various OCs
Featured Pairings
- Ianto/Jack
- Gwen/Rhys
- Ianto/Lisa
- Gwen/Owen
- Suzie/Tosh
Mentioned Pairings
- Jack/Estelle
- Jack/Lucia
- Owen/Katie
- M/M and F/F relationships
- Character death
- Mentions of suicide
- Flashbacks to past child abuse and crappy parenting
- Occasional swear words
- The Stopwatch
Story covers all of the Season 1 and 2 episodes, but as it is an alternate universe certain events will take place in a different order and at different times to canon.
- Seasons 1 & 2 (all episodes)
- Children of Earth (for details of Ianto’s family)
- The Torchwood Archives
- Audio Play: Golden Age
- Novel: The Twilight Streets
Doctor Who
- The Empty Child
- The Doctor Dances
- Bad Wolf
- The Parting of the Ways
- Army of Ghosts
- Doomsday
- Utopia
(The Doctor and Rose don’t exist in this universe)