A Good Man – Chapter 29
Jack’s eyes widened and his lips parted in shock as he realised Ianto had heard his conversation with Gwen and …
A character in Torchwood and Doctor Who, he was played by Gareth David-Lloyd.
Jack’s eyes widened and his lips parted in shock as he realised Ianto had heard his conversation with Gwen and …
Unusually for him, Jack hadn’t found himself a tall building to stand on top of. He was in fact currently …
Hours later, and after exhausting the Hub’s entire hot water supply, Ianto and Jack finally dragged themselves out of the …
Given that the team had worked throughout the night and it was now actually morning, it wasn’t really a case …
Ianto straightened his tie. Tonight, one way or another, this would end. He had decided to tell Jack about Lisa. …
Ianto, Jack and Owen gathered around Tosh, who was sitting at her workstation, as they assessed their current situation. “Everything’s …
Eleven Months Earlier Owen stormed into the Hub, complaining about being wet and cold and how he was never doing …
Two unknown dark-haired women were driving in a car, speeding down a long, empty road in the endless darkness. Maybe …
When the committee was first formed in 1879, there were originally eleven members. After a short while, two members in …
Out of all the thoughts that had flown through Tosh’s mind over the last couple of days – be they …
As a young man growing up on the Boeshane Peninsula, Jack Harkness had lived his life to the fullest, and …
Ianto woke the next morning to find that he had a very sore neck and that he was alone in …
By the end of Jack’s suspension, Ianto was relieved to find that his recurring nightmares of Lisa rampaging through the …
Jack got back up to the Plass and stopped, temporarily at a loss. 110 years of either being imprisoned in …
When they heard the big gun go off, and were sure the Cyberwoman had been destroyed, the rest of the …
The morning of the Battle of Canary Wharf “Ianto! Hurry up! We’re gonna be late for work!” Lisa banged on …