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If someone was to stand in the clearing in the middle of the forest, they could be forgiven for believing …

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The Other Brother – Chapter 1

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The mighty and courageous Prince Legolas would never be defeated! He was strong enough and brave enough to defeat the hideous monster attacking his beloved kingdom all by himself. He would be honoured as Mirkwood’s dashing hero! He would…

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Of Fairy Tales and Time Agents

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There’s a popular fairy tale that has been handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child, for many years. It has changed form slightly over the centuries, as all stories do.

It Just Had To

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Ianto straightened his tie. Tonight, one way or another, this would end. He had decided to tell Jack about Lisa. …

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– “Jack” –

Was someone calling his name? Jack lay on the ground, somewhere between the dark peaceful nothingness of death, and the blinding light and pain of being jerked back into life. He couldn’t tell if the voice he heard was real or imagined, if it belonged to a stranger or a friend.

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Thranduil strode through the vast hallways, his gown billowing out behind him, full of relief that his endless council meetings …

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